Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
The “Pegasus Reunion” 9th October 2021

The 2021 reunion was held at The Plough Inn, St. Peter’s Street, Radford, Nottingham; being the same venue as the 2019 Gathering. As well as contacting the current members I sent out the invitation to a further forty five people. In 2019 we had a grand total of forty two people but sadly this year the number was only nineteen. This was only to be expected under the circumstances surrounding Covid, plus the added uncertainty of fuel supplies for some people intending to travel a large distance and a few taking late holidays after the easing of travel restrictions.
Sadly a number of people associated with the club have passed away since 2019; namely Peter Watkinson, Alan Harrison, Mick Cast, Simon Halliday, Paul Foster, Bob Proctor, Frank Williams, Marylyn Cobbett and Russell Smith. They will all be sorely missed.
On a happier note there were a few surprises. Mike Toole appeared having made a special journey from the shore of Lake Ontario, Canada to meet up with Old friends.
A complete stranger entered the bar and came over to the gathered few and announced, “Should I know anyone here”? From which he received no reply, but pointing to Alan Steans he said “I know you”. Alan was surprised and admitted he had no idea to whom he was speaking. The mystery person turned out to be Laurence Revill who had been a member of the Pegasus, whilst in his teens, for only two years in the early seventies; forty seven years having passed without contact with the club.
It was decided to hold the AGM as it can be difficult to get the current membership (although small) together. To aid this action to proceed in an orderly fashion and swiftly it was decided to begin at one o’clock before the alcohol took effect. True to fashion by three thirty nothing had happened but a quick bollocking from myself got thing moving, I think, as I had to leave at four. I await the fag packet so the minutes of the meeting can be placed on the website!
There is uncertainty about using 'The Plough' for next years reunion as the landlady informed us that the Nottingham Brewery, situated adjacent, and owner of the pub is up for sale.
Those in attendance were Margaret Widdowson, Maggie Proctor, Ruth King, David Gough, Alan Steans, Dave Epton, Malcolm Scothon, Malcolm Debage, Victor Holland, Nigel Burns, Bob Holland, Barry Parker, Ian Curphey, Sam Garrad, Andrew Walchester, Laurence Revill, Mike Toole, Melvin Batchford & Cheg Chester,
Cheg Chester