Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
The Pegasus Annual Reunion 12th October 2019

First get in the mood by watching the very short video taken in the Plough.
The annual Pegasus gathering took place in the new venue of The Plough Inn on St. Peter’s Street, Radford, Nottingham. It was deemed to be a really great success by all as the atmosphere was friendly, warm and the bar comfortable.
Pat Cronin summed it up well.
“A superb venue; the Landlady ably accommodated the thirsty with drink excellent, the company a delight, the multiple projects discussed at length enthralling”.
I don’t know how true this is but it appeared that an impromptu Pegasus AGM was going on in the room at the same time as the reunion, as those taking part were all there together in one place.
Cheg had a bit of a dodgy start to his day and he had this to say!
“I arrived at the pub at twenty past 11 to find it closed. Came back at half past 11, still closed. Came back at 12 still closed. Beginning to panic a bit by then! But at least I could lay the blame on Al Steans as he had checked it out with the landlady. When I returned at around 12.20 I have never been happier to see an open pub door. Thought we might have had to drain the dregs out of all the barrels outside and have the reunion in the car park.”
No such thing of course. The Nottingham Brewery beer has always and still is among the best.
Indeed Tony Marshall said that he had last been in this pub over fifty years ago when he was working at John Player’s Cigarette Factory offices which were just around the corner. Tony observed that nothing had changed except the landlady!
Terry and Barbara Wright visited The Plough regularly in the past on visits to relations as the beer always hit the right spot.
It was great to see a really good turnout of members, some as far afield as Australia and Ireland. As ever the conversations flowed as if no time had passed between meets. Good friends can do that.
This was voted an ideal venue for next time and maybe we should ask the pub to open the kitchen.
A few of the hardened drinkers did go to the beer festival afterwards but for most of us that sort of thing is long past.
Those in attendance:-
Barbara & Terry Wright, Melvin Batchford, Malc Debbage, Dave Epton, Paul & Judith Thompson,Tony & Ruth Marshall, Alan & Sue Harrison, Bob & Maggie Proctor, Aileen & Cheg Chester, Kathryn Bingham, Victor Holland, Barrie & Janet Parker, Sam Garrard, Bob Holland, Andy Walchester, Johnathon, Kathryn & Anna Lucas, LucasMargaret Widdowson, Pat & Pauline Cronin, Roger Hall, Malc Scothern, Simon Haliday, Mike Dempster, Andy Keen, Paul Wheeldon, Peter Webb, Roger & Rita Day, John & Sue Steel, Dave Gough, Ruth King & last but not least Stuart McManus. A total off 42, well done to you all.
Barbara Wright