Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
The Pegasus Club Get Together 2015.

The Pegasus Annual get together took place in Nottingham on the Friday October 9th and Saturday October 10th. 2015.
In 2002 The Pegasus Club held a large reunion to celebrate 50 years as a club in the Horse and Groom, Basford. People came from all corners of the world and it was a memorable and very enjoyable success. Real ale flowed and the stories became embroidered yet again.
Well here we are again some 13 years on and a lot of water through the sump since then and once more together in The Horse and Groom, Basford, Saturday October 10th. There was a surprisingly good turnout considering that the Nottingham Castle Beer Festival was attended by the faithful on the Friday before thus proving that the Pegasus drinkers are full of stamina.
The pictures in the gallery show who was there with the exception of a few who somehow managed to evade my photograph session. They were Tony Marshall and Ruth, Malc Scothon, Ruth King ,Terry Wheatley & Andy Walchester.
My overall impression of the gathering was a sea of white hair and the inevitable beards. We all picked up conversations as if we’d been speaking to each other just the other day. Maybe ailments and pill regimes were discussed but this was soon forgotten in catching up with current activities.
All told the 1960’s vintage of Pegasus members have weathered quite well. Many are still fit and still caving. Many are still fit and doing other things. Inevitably the club has lost a few. Nostalgia rules OK! A special afternoon with special friends.
(Barbara Wright)