Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
January 10th Ricklow Cavern
After much 'attention' over the xmas period Ricklow Cavern finally went on the 3rd day of the new year. Although not very far, a peculiar sump was found and two other possible ways on. One of which drafts and a stream can be heard in the distance, the other wants digging eventually.
The sump has been dived, I got to 4 m down into a tight viz-less rift which continues horizontally. The relationship, hydrologically and physically between here and Lathkill Head / Cales Dale is yet unknown. The work continues.
D.A.N. (Nixon)
Proposed trip to Yorkshire cancelled in Jan. due to bad weather - eventually agreed to meet 8/3/91. stayed in Ingleton Friday night - Rained all night - eventually agreed on:-
March 9th Simpsons Pot
Dave E, Malc, Malc, John
Met a party from Nottm Poly at first pitch coming out as they couldn't get passed the duck, - they had been looking in the wrong place. Rather wet trip.
Tried a number of pubs looking for friends - to no avail.
March 29th - April 2nd Easter Weekend Ingleton
Families weekend staying at caravan site
Sunset Hole
Malc S. + 2 children, Malc D + 1, Dave + 1
An easy trip for the children.
Some got to the bottom, had a slight problem on the pitch as we took 20' ladders thinking they were 25'!
Simpsons Pot
Malc, Malc, Dave, John, Steve (Newcastle)
Through trip much drier this time
May 1st
200 ft Aven found in Peak, who says there no caves to be found in Derbyshire anymore!
May 3rd
MOH!! The Wessex come and Visit. Well 3 of Us. Caving (P8) and Walking in the Peaks for the Long Week-end
Gary, Mark + Max
May 4th Carlswark Cavern
Nigel Burns, Pat Cronin
A quick trip on the way to Stoney edge chimney. From the chimney "Reported to be the oldest structure of Industrial Archeaology standing" carried on to Matlock Bath & Cromford. Thence to Arbor Low stone circle.
May 5th
Drove over to Lathkill Dale / Mandale Rake to view forfield shaft et al. Had a trip through undergrowth down the rake to Lathkill not accessable as an easy stroll. Looked at various workings as well as Mandale Sough & engine base. The place was heaving with people.
May 6th
Up late to Bristol.
July 12th - 14th Ingleton W/E
John, Malc D, Malc S, Dave G, Dave E, Mick, Alli, Rick, Ken
Usual Friday meet in Craven Heiffer. Camped at Enter Farm Weather not good - eventually agreed on:-
July 13th Swinstowe, Valley Entrance
Quite a wet uneventful steady trip - pitches quite sporting.
Evening spent going around the pubs around Ingleborough. Finally stayed at Hill Inn.
July 14th Marble Steps
John had his dangle again on the big pitch.
August 10th Mandale Mine
Nigel Burns, Pat Cronin
Pleasant trip into area of forefield shaft. Follow by short trip in just by path (sough) thence to Batemans Shaft of Lathkill Dale Mine.
August 11th
Ecton Hill to check out position of adits for future trips. Into Whey level.
August 16th Crank Hole Mine
Nigel Burns, Pat Cronin
Could not find entrance. The quoted NGR gives the end of a rake, but no hole. Anyone know of its location?!
Cleared two other mines, none entered only short ones.
In afternoon/evening walked to Hollandtwine only to find 150' of Hole. Came back down the Dirtlow to Oxlow Rake.
August 17th Dale Mine, Ecton Area
Nigel Burns, Pat Cronin
September 6th -14th Annual French Trip
Dave G, Dave E, Malc D, Malc S, Trev
We had originally planned to go earlier, but it became too much to get everyone able to get together then -
Stayed in a different part of Jura - this time camped at St Laurent le Grand Vaux. We had some surveys of caves in Switzerland close to the border.
Friday night ferry - arrived at St Laurent the Saturday evening about 425 miles -

Campsite at St Laurent le Grand Vaux
September 8th
Recce to find Grotte de Foules - our French not good, but we eventually found the cave - it involved a long walk uphill, up zig zag forestry road - we explored so far with the aid of fag lighter & paper.
September 9th
Recce to find entrances of caves in Switzerland. It took a few hours to find Grande Baum du Pré d'Aubonne. The entrance is in a wood the description was rather old. A wasted journey was made to Lausanne to contact a local speleo group.
September 10th
Day trip to Chamonix - We picked a day of perfect weather. All went on cable cars up to Brevant Station. A marvellous day - exceptional views of Mount Blanc.

A day in Chamonix. The team at Brevant Station
September 11th Gouffre de la Petite Chaux No6
Although we were looking for Gouffre de la Cascade - we found a good landmark, & found this one so went down. The main interest of this system is a large block wedged across the main pitch of 45 metres (a bit like the bridge in Alum) - very dry system, air fresh at bottom, but large cavern covered by large boulders

Dave Epton and Malc Debbage make use of forest cabin
September 12th Grotte de Foules
Due to thunderstorm & rain during night decided against Grotte de Cascade so went to Grotte de Foules.
Were able to get cars so far up - involved going over a !bailey" bridge.
Passage slopes down fairly steeply to sump - side passage which obviously floods leads to cavern with large joint going down about 100' - we got to bottom to find the river had backed up & was in fact still rising so after some photo's came out - small climbs are protected by rope. Obviously reacts to rain more than we thought - an interesting cave. came home Friday - arriving in Nottm 2.00 am Saturday.
September 14th Lathkill Dale
Kevin Wills, Pat Cronin
Shaft below Bateman's House. The shaft drops down onto the Lathkill Sough upstream goes some 150'/200' to wall/dam with lots water behind it. Downstream was followed 600' to junction. Intend to survey, hopefully before "wet season".
September 21st Ringing Rake Sough
"Smack" + 1, Cheg, Pat Cronin
3 hr trip into Gentlewoman's Pipe with Coffin level, 1400 out.
November 24th Yorkshire W/E
Arrived Friday night as usual at Craven Heiffer.
Sat. Eventually went underground after the rounds of shops, friends etc.
Bull Pot (Kingsdale)
Dave E, Malc D, Malc S (others didn't feel too well)
SRT trip - didn't do last pitch - got to entrance just as large party was exiting - so had cave to ourselves.
Christmas Nenthead
Cheg Chester, Pat Cronin, Dave Gough, Nigel Burns
Maypoled into upper workings searching for way into Carr's Level in Rampgill.
Deep Clough, Horrible
Swinhope Mine Horse Level excellent trip air receiver remaining on site by entrance plus other bits like tub.
December 27th-29th Ingleton W/E
Arrived Friday night. Sat - usual visits before going down
Ireby Cavern
Dave E, Rick, Malc, John
SRT trip - traversing over pitch heads to get a direct hang - missed the shadow route. This system has the "permanent" hanger in en route. Misty weather had very poor visibility on way back. Evening spent at Hill Inn.
Sunday not much time for a trip so walked around Goredale and Malham - again very misty.