Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
January 18th Oxlow Rake
Descent of mine shaft on Oxlow Rake opened up due to cairn collapse. Ginging for 50 ft very good then solid for 25 ft then into rake working all collapsed on both sides bottom blocked at 125 ft. no levels lead off. good safe shaft for practice.

January 18th Lynx Cave
Beeston Tor, Manifold Valley
A.Caserley, S.Chester, Tony Jarratt, Phil Nutthall
Manifold Valley to find Lynx Cave on Beeston Tor to mark entrance with red marker for Ordnance Survey. Very difficult to get to entrance (rope needed) Small cave with good formations. A Number of small tubes could prove an interesting dig.
January 24th - 26th Simpson - Swinsto
Kingsdale, Yorkshire
S.Chester, D.Gough + wife, B.McGuinness, S.Watson, V.Holland, M.Durdy, Mousse, T.Pot, J.Dickenson, T.Paul, A.Steans
Simpsons Party D.Gough, S.Chester, S.Watson, B.McGuiness, M.Durdy + A.Steans T.Paul
Took 12 ladders with intentions to ladder 120' pitch Kingsdale Master Cave but we had only just enough ladder to do slit pitch so a further 50' of ladder would of been neccesary.
At top of Slit pitch we belayed to only rawl bolt in the wall. Plenty of water was going down the pitch. That stupid c**t who said 'even large person's may tackle slit pitch should of been there to see Mousse's attempts to get up through it (30 mins) Party exchanged with A.Steans and T.Paul declining from attempting slit pitch. Above party returned out through Swinsto double life lines were only fixed to 3 of the pitches. Time 7 hours approx.
(Plenty of rain during the day made for a sporty trip.)
February 1st Hollandtwine
Dam building in natural
February 8th Knotlow Mine
S.Watson, B.McGuinness, M.Durdy, P.Nuttall
A sporting trip down to waterfall chamber, through coffin level and along large straight level. Passage off to left leads to small "Rise" which M.Durdy got halfway up before deciding rope + pegs were advisable. Then along to end of passage + out.
February 9th Giants Hole
P.Nuttall, M.Durdy, W.McGuinness, S.Chester, S.Watson, V.Holland
Down blasted passage + crabwalk, absailed garlands + geology pots. Down then to East canals, S.Chester + P.Nuthall swam right to end, whilst Bill "accidently" fell into pool without a wet suit. Then out past a people ruckle to upper series, where Cheg found a small amount of tackle which he kindly donated to the club. Out before dark
February 15th Lancaster - Easegill
Lancaster: David Gill, P.Foster, W.McGuinness, V.Holland, S.Watson, M.Durdy, P.Nuthall
Easegill: J.Middlemist, D.Stables, The Führer
The larger party descended Lancaster Hole after some discussion as to the safety of the rope being used for abseiling, and managed despite heat exhaustion and total dehydration to find their way to stock (STOP) Pot above Easegill master cave, where there had been an enormous rock fall, almost blocking the stream way it looked quite recent! Then off down stream to get stuck behind a crowd (the inevitable crowd) of boy scouts (DOB DIB). Despite a small detour we managed to find our way out. J.MOUSE + DERECK entered from easegill to tackle the two pitches and un tackle Lancaster hole.
Saturday night in Craven Heifer. Sunday Rock bopping with Torchy in Westmore land's mines neare Appleby Scoredale.
March 8th Saturday Jack pot (P8)
Party: Bruce, Ros (Sheila), Steve, Phil
Very fast trip to bottom and back because of fear of pubs closing before getting out. Fairly dry, cave to ourselves.
March 9th Sunday Moss Rake
Having looked over Moss rake on Sunday 23rd of Feb and descended 3 blind ended shafts, we went to look at a fourth shaft to-day. Found by Mick Durdy and Torchy, the first down was Vic.(We'd put down 200 ft of ladder) and he observed the first level going off at 112 feet down with the entrance stacked with deads and a difficult swing across to it, as yet this level has not been entered owing to a lack of time. The next level No2 came off at 167 feet with a good and accessible stone platform in the shaft. This level contains a small stope and then an ore pass rising to a level of 30 ft up and carries on above possibly for another 20 ft (could be No1 level) No3 level is about 10 ft below No2 on the opposite side of the shaft (ladder must be used between these two) No3 is possibly the most interesting yet explored as it has a spiral rock staircase going up (15 ft)to a small level with a truck tipping point with a truck in tipping position and track laid, clog and hobnail boot prints abound in mud, lots of ore chutes in roof plus a complete sheeps skeleton (How did that get there?) Beyond skeleton there is a very manky area with a roof of deads and match sticks another ore chute + a small blind ending level. Back down the spiral staircase to No3 level and there is a rock stair case going down to a small level with a deep climbing shaft in the floor which is possible the best way down to the bottom. Also small amount of passage and stope actually at No3 level. The main shaft goes on down still free hanging for a possible 100 feet. Should be much more to find and the draft coming up the main shaft has still to be explained.
Down shaft went:- Vic Holland, P.Nuthall, Cheg Chester and J.Middlemist (Mouse)
At surface life lining:- Mick Durdy, S.Watson and Bruce Roberts.
Camp followers:- Aileen + Ros
P Nuthall
March 15th Moss Rake
A.Jarratt, S.Chester, P.Thompson, V.Holland, B.Roberts, P.Nuthall, S.watson, N.Weston (Gwynedd Mines), D.Stables, J.Midlemist, (Mick Durdy + Bill was kind enough to lifeline at surface)
Trying to finish of what we started last week but being P.C.C. stomp weekend we had lots of people to help. We put down 200 ft of ladder in main shaft again and, descended the climbing shaft from below 3rd level 50 ft of ladder plus a long sling needed here (belay round stacked deads). This enters a small stope opening onto main shaft and containing a metal kibble + part of a pully wheel. A Climbing shaft in the side of the main shaft goes down to another level, with ore shoots down to alower level and V.Muddy roof and walls at the end of this level is an oreshoot which leads to 20 ft climbing shaft, through minced wooden ore hopper and into a tramming level 30 yds down level on right is a short drop leading into a considdeatre natural cavity, pleasantly decorated by flowstone. Miners initials on the roof. Two natural tubes lead off this chamber and are as yet unexplored by us.
From the ore chute level (the muddy one) also leads a climbing shaft down to another small level (the bottom one) which leads to the main shaft bottom and is ran in at the other end.
Total tackle needed
200 ft ladder for main shaft + 200ft rope lifeline
50 ft for first climbing shaft
25 ft joined 2nd +3rd climbing shaft
30 ft
25 ft 4th climbing shafts
50 ft 5th " "
free climb the last shaft
Teapot (D.STABLES) managed to injure his foot whilst climbing a manky ore chute from the bottom level to no.5. Several boulders fell from the roof and proceeded to start a nasty landslide scaring the shit out of those below. As a result he had to be pulled out whilst sitting in a Willands harness. Unfortunately he was not badly hurt.
March 16th Moss Rake
A. Jarratt, P.Nuthall, N.Weston, S.Watson, W.McGuinness
Tackled shaft to go down and complete exploration but got chucked off land by spar worker.
March 23rd Monks Dale
Cheg, Phil, Aileen + Steve
A walk up and down Monk's Dale revealed several holes on the east side and a possible sink in the valley bottom. Monk's hole is occupied by Badgers which could be nasty if met, Also it is a nature reserve.
March 24th Monday P8
A quick trip under the circumstances - with 3 PC's - the wave of the future - no more pot or drinking after hours or drunken driving.
David I Gill (CAMRA)
PS Out at 3 o'clock just in time to see the Dev shut.
March 28th Aggen Allwedd
M.Durdy, Phil Nuttall, B.Roberts + Robert + some EPC + Gerry Waldridge
To white cliffs of dover, then down to Deep water photographing.
March 29th OFD 2
M.Durdy, Phil Nuttall, B.Roberts +EPC +Al Steans+B.McG
Cwm dwr → Top entrance + a look at waterfall to OFD III, got lost in maze although we shouldn't have been there.
March 30th Little Neath
Phil Nuttall, B.Roberts, Ros Roberts + G.Woldridge
Photographing (Mud chamber worth a visit)
March 30th Aggie
M.Durdy, A.Steans, B.McGuinness
Failed to do 8 yet again but did grand circle (due to Poison Dwarf having a manky light)
Phil Nuttall
Easter 75
T.Pot Ingleborough via Alston + Nottingham Spent Thursday night looking ever elusive P.P.C.. Knock knock stupid c**ts never said anything about a different PUB.
2/10 English getting worse
see me after school
April 5th Bull Pit
Mac, Phil, Vic, Ros, Bruce, Steve + an Orpheus hairy Freak
Banging during opening hours. Good results (+Defeathered Bird)
April 5th Saturday Dr Jacksons
Al Steans, Bruce + John Jones
Meanwhile the real club cavers did Dr Jacksons. 1 Fat bastard and 2 6 ft - plus caving types exposed the myth that Jacksons is for midgets only.
April 6th Bagshaws
Vic, Mac, Phil, Mick, Steve, Bruce, T.Pot, Mouse (Dickie, Graham EPC) New Bloke + Scouts
35p trip to sumps in upper series then 4 dived mud sump (quite tight) to top of pitch to suss out for future. by the looks of things a dig from Moss rake would connect with Bagshaws as the passage is deffinately similar.
April 13th Bull Pit
Cheg + Phil
Digging Badger Passage. about 3 ft. Getting tight again but we're almost in the chamber.
April 19th Bar Pot
From Tony Jarratt's Log Book
Got as far as bottom of 1st pitch (Disappointment Pot) when Vic appeared; to shout "Bill had fallen down Bar Pot!". With thoughts of a paper bag job we rushed out and over to Bar (Myself pausing to get lost in thick mist for 15 minutes or so) It then transpired that Bill had fallen some 30' down the Bar 1st pitch (50') and had a compound fracture of the ankle. In a very short time the Clapham CRO arrived laden down with gear, telephones etc and rescued him in a couple of hours. We had a brief look at G.G. then headed down for an alcoholic tour of Craven.
The club made a donation to CRO of £10. Rescue 374.
Bill was wearing a wetsuit he had made from a kit the week before, he was totally pissed off when the hospital had to cut it off. AS.
April 19th P8
Southern Team rescue practice. See report in Newsletter Vol 1 No1 page11
May 11th P8
Al, Vic, Steans, et al
Tourist trip plus Scouts. Boring!!
May 18th Maskill Mine
Paul Thompson!! Cheg, Al (BIG) Al Steans, Vic
Don't believe the comics, entrance pitch 120', 40' pitch, not hand line pitch follows immediately through deads, short climb into stream passage, 50' approx next pitch to ledge, belay from Bolt, pitch from ledge 80' belay on angle iron, manky slope leading to Thompson Terror Traverse needs bolts here at present traverse over 15' pitch hang ladder around eyehole (big eyes) one ladder needed. 40' climb through deads keep to inside of rift all the way down to large chamber no line needed.
Cross floor of chamber stop where stream disappears over rock-lip into floor. DO NOT DROP DOWN 5' drop as the FLOOR IS UNSAFE. Traverse * over at same level as chamber floor sit astride boulder and mud slope 120' pitch on other side (* rope needed for traverse in case floor goes) at bottom pitch a 15' pitch in stream to Oxlow. A good trip best done in small party with no novices dangerous sections should be done individually.
Alan Harrison
End July/ Beginning August France
The club visited the Pyrenes to visit Grotte de la Cigalere. Also visited were Montespan and Castertet's Ice Cave.
Aticles about this expedition have been published in Pegasus Newsletter Vol 1 No2 & No3.
A full report of the visit to the Grotte de la Cigalere will appear in a separate publication. See Expedition Report Here