Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
O'Loughlin's Scailp

Alternate name :-
Townland :-
Area :-
County :-
N.G.R. :-
I.T.M. :-
Altitude :-
Length :-
Depth :-
M11367 x 01926
0611337 x 701953
167 metres
0 metres
2 metres
A narrow circular hole descends through unstable overburden to very rough water worn limestone features. A vertical choked rift descends; the adjacent cliff suggesting depth potential. Poulnagrinn is located three hundred metres to the northeast. Several other interesting sites are nearby. The log entries below outline significant events, for greater detail refer to the Pegasus blog, or members personal log books.
30th June
A tour of the Ballynahown area where the various field owners and areas of commonage were identified. JL generously proffered unlimited access to his lands to propect and dig.
18th July
The depression is opened, a three foot diameter shaft, some four foot deep accesses the limestone situated two foot beneath the surface. Directly below the shaft continues for at least six feet, between the loose packed stone. To the south beautiful worn limestone pinnacles are present. The west wall is solid, the east wall is suspect; east is the route were the flood stream occasionally enters so it will be debris. Its in rough alignment with Pat Collys Cave, the opposite side of the boreen, and another new site located below the cliff.
25th July
The shaft was dug further exposing the rift and more limestone wall with vertical fluting. The assessment is that a larger area needs clearing to shore up the unstable eastern drain/ditch. The hole was secured to guard against injury to stock. Work will continue.

The depression containing O'Loughlin's Scailp looking to the North