Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
A Founder Member Reminisces
The Pegasus Club started life as far as I can remember in the Spring of 1953 and, at that time was mainly a rambling club, but with climbing and caving as secondary activities.
Its inaugural meeting was held at the Generous Briton, Alfreton Road, Nottingham with 21 members attending. The person who was responsible for organising that meeting was a guy called Ernie Smeeton, and I believe he ran the club but who or whatever other officials there were, I’m afraid 47 years of water passing beneath the bridge has left my memory somewhat lacking.
Gear for our activity in them days was quite expensive and not in abundance, so most of us bought Ex. W.D kit, boots, Rucksacks etc. My wife having small feet finished up buying little boys boots because no army gear was small enough.
Most Sundays would be spent by the club walking in the dales. At that time my wife and I lived in a flat at 208 Mansfield Road, Nottingham, just below Forest Road opposite the cemetery. We have fond memories of clomping down Mansfield Road at 05:30 on Sunday mornings to catch the Rambler Special Train at 06:00 from Victoria Station, into Derbyshire.
My most vivid memory of club outings was on or about 29th July 1954, when eight of us set off for a fortnights holiday in Austria. Boat and Train but no Plane! The party consisted of 5 guys and 3 gals, myself and the gals destined for the hotel Furstenhaus on the shores of Lake Achensee at a place called Pertisau. I’m afraid at that time I was neither experienced or fit enough to join the rest of the crew on a climbing expedition from Mayrhofen, over the Alps towards the Brenner Pass and into Italy for a week. We booked our holiday through the W.T.A (Workers Travel Association). The cost being about £30 each, the exchange rate then was 72 Austrian Schillings to the Pound. Cost of living, to us out there, was pretty cheap.
I’m sorry I can’t relate more about the club, but after about 3 years membership along came a house followed by a family, you probably know the rest! I have noted club achievements over the passing years and feel quite proud to have been a member at it’s birth.
Ken Allen. 2000