Pegasus Caving Club
aka Pegasus Club Nottingham
The “Pegasus Reunion” 15th October 2023

Seventy One Years of The Pegasus Club Nottingham
Saturday 14th October heralded the Annual Pegasus reunion which was held at the now popular venue of the Plough Inn, St Peter’s Street, Radford, Nottingham.
A somewhat ‘historic’ true pre-war pub, definitely 2nd and possibly 1st World War, noticeable by its genuine external architecture and appropriately matching internal décor which has been virtually untouched over the years. Its ‘Star’ attraction is that it sells ‘Good Olde English Ale’ a range of which is provided by its own on-site brew house which is situated but a short distance away across the car park and evident by the vast amount of stacked-up metal beer casks.
Sadly, it has to be said, that one let-down was that although promised, the pub served no food on the day because the kitchen, we were informed, had been ‘condemned unfit for use’ only two-days earlier and thus closed down. So, packets of crisps and nuts became the staple diet for the day and were heartily munched down as the ale flowed.
The Club, now in its 71st year since its inception had a remarkably good turn-out for the event (33 Persons) considering that the average age of the attendees was most probably around the minimum age of 75 years?
Those attending had travelled from ‘far and wide’ to be there, from the Glens of North Scotland, Craggy Valleys of Wild Wales, Rain Soaked Bogs of South-West Ireland, Depths of the Derbyshire Peak District, Inner-Hamlets of Netherfield and Hyson Green (via tramcar) and one even ‘Jetted’ in a few days earlier from the North-Eastern Swiss Alps; such is the shear dedication and lasting comradeship of the ‘Pegasus Club’ tight-knit ‘Band of Brotherhood’.
Over the hours, much banter ensued with in-depth conversations reminiscing past exploits and misdemeanours, old photographs shown, a 1970’s colour magazine, which had certainly seen better days, discovered in a house loft by chance and having a very interesting article about the ‘Gouffre Berger’ was banded around and old caving and climbing equipment changed-hands amongst the ardent collectors as ‘old friends’ enjoyed each-others company once again for this annual not-to-be-missed get-together. One person present had his first caving trip with Al Harrison when he was just thirteen.
Bari Logan.
Those in Attendance
Barrie & Janet Parker, Jud & Paul Thompson, Sue Harrison, Stuart McManus, Victor Holland, Andy Walchester, Sam Garrad, Malc & Angela Debbage, Bob Holland, Paul Reavill, Margaret Widdowson, Ruth King, David Gough, Ian & Julie Curphey, Melvin Batchford, Mick Edwards, Aileen & Cheg Chester, Maggie Proctor, Barry & Ceily Sudell, Kathryn & Cora Bingham, Bari Logan, Steve Watson, John & Cath Addison, Dave & Linda Epton plus Al Steans via video link.